Uusi kirjailija Adina |
Pikku kippari Ashley |
Kouluasu |
my name is adina i am 14 year old i live in lagoon, dominica is a good place to be dominicas sea is clean .dominica is clean and green dominica is a nice. we have nice people were we live .i have 2 sister and 1 brother and a set brother I live with my mother and my set father dominica has clean river.you shoud come and live in dominica. I love u all by
My schoolday:I goes to pss it is a good school be we have nice teacher in the school I am in 102 my teaher name is miss mills she is a good teacher I love maths I have a lots of friend in my school. I start school at 8 to 1 every day good by to u all
5 kommenttia:
What a lovely local text! We all surely have a lot to learn from it. All the best. //David
Eikös olekkin kiva saada vähän uutta tekstiä mukaan?
hillo dave i do not no u bot u have seen me on picture tankes for reading my letter
Hienoa, upeaa saada "matkustaa" kanssanne maailman merillä! Valokuvat täydentävät matkakertomustanne täydellisesti. Tuntuu melkein, kuin itse olisin mukananne. Niin mukaansatempaavasti kertomus on kirjoitettu. KIITOS!
Kiva kuulla, että blogi tekee tehtavänsä!
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